Mannarkad, Palakkad, Kerala


Advocates & Paralegals

Solution Simplified Solution Simplified Solution Simplified

Our team of experts will help you win in court, give you effective solutions, scrutinize your documents meticulously, draft your documents with perfection

Area of Expertise

Solo law firm, owned by Adv. Aravindakshan P R, Mannarkkad, that renders legal services, through a team of experts, all across Kerala.

Civil Laws

We protect your rights and assets and recover your losses.

Criminal Laws

We defend your freedom. We deal with all subjects of criminal law.

Family Laws

We resolve your family issues with ease.

Labour laws

We solve all your problems at your work.

Why Choose Us?

We bring under one roof, a variety of legal services required in different segments of law to facilitate the provision of best and effective solutions and high-quality services to our clients in contentious and non-contentious matters and interrelated legal issues, in a swift and cost-effective manner

Our network of advocates and paralegals, who have proven excellence in their respective specialisation areas of law, are capable of conducting cases in all courts, forums and tribunals and will meet all the litigatory and non-litigatory requirements of our clients any time anywhere across Kerala.

Having in place a team of high spirited legal experts, advocates / lawyers, paralegals and experts from the field of science, technology, accountancy and commerce, we are well resourced and well positioned to dexterously handle any legal intricacy in a way that is beneficial to our clients Our one stop legal solutions extend to all Civil & Criminal court litigation; Family issues; Labour & Employment disputes; Service matters; Consumer grievances; Motor Accident claims; Legal advice on any matter and Scrutiny, Drafting, Filing and Registration of documents.

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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