Mannarkad, Palakkad, Kerala
We protect your rights and assets and recover your losses. We deal with all contentious and non contentious matters on any subject coming under civil law. This being a vast area of law ,it is difficult to name all the subjects.
To indicate a few of the the main subjects are:
Property law; Real estate law; RERA; Land laws; Surveys & Boundaries; Partition ; General Contracts; Torts and Damages/Compensation ;Easements, Licenses, Recovery of money/debts; Mortgages; Business Transactions & Business Contracts; Employer – Employee laws & contracts; Succession & Inheritance; Will, Probate & Letters of administration; Estate planning; Lease / Rent (Land / Building/ Flat); Guardianship of minors and unsound persons; Mental Health laws; Food Safety & Standards; Forest laws; Environment protection; Human Rights; Fundamental rights, Defamation; Excise / Abkari & All other civil laws
We defend your freedom. We deal with all subjects of criminal law. Just like civil law this is a vast area of law. The main subjects we handle are:
Bail & anticipatory bail; Indian Penal code; Excise/ Abkari laws; Forest laws; Wildlife Protection laws; NDPS; Arms & Explosives Laws; Food Safety & Standards; Sexual offences; POCSO; Child laws; Vigilance & Anti Corruption, Economic offences; Passport & Immigration laws; Cheque Bouncing; Domestic violence & Dowry related harassment; Motor Vehicles Act; and All other criminal laws.
We resolve your family issues with ease. The main subjects we handle are:
Divorce (contested & mutual); Judicial Separation; Reunion ( Restitution of Conjugal Rights);Custody of Children;Visitation Rights; Return of Stridhan/Dowry; Maintenance; Property / Family pension & other disputes between husband & wife and family members
We solve all your problems at your work. We render all the contentious and non contentious legal services needed to a client on the following subjects:
Industrial Tribunal / Labour court cases ( Filing / prosecuting/defending/ trial); Workmen Compensation; Compliance/ Periodical filings; Retainer Agreements; Non Disclosure Agreements; Commercial contracts ; Employer Employee agreements; Employer Employee disputes.
We protect you against deception and exploitation and defend you from false claims. We render all the legal services needed to a client on all questions and matters arising under Consumer protection Act & Rules, pertaining to:
Consumer Rights, Filing/Prosecuting/ Defending of complaints / Appeals; e filing; appearance before the State commission and all the Consumer Disputes Redressal Forums in the State of Kerala
We fight for your pay, promotion, privileges and priorities. We deal with all questions and matters arising under:
We bring you maximum compensation. We render render all the contentious and non contentious legal services needed to a client in :